ジョイトイ 1/18 ウォーハンマー40K フィギュアセット アデプタソロリタスセット内容Paragon Warsuit AeditaSister JurelSister LuwennaSister Imigifer SaelonSister NoyalleSister Superior KassiaPlease check the photos. All items are new, unused and sealed. However, due to amateur storage, the boxes may have slight scuffs and scratches.
ジョイトイ 1/18 ウォーハンマー40K フィギュアセット アデプタソロリタスセット内容Paragon Warsuit AeditaSister JurelSister LuwennaSister Imigifer SaelonSister NoyalleSister Superior KassiaPlease check the photos. All items are new, unused and sealed. However, due to amateur storage, the boxes may have slight scuffs and scratches.
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