Lets Read and Find Out Science 118 picture books 1 and 2。Specifications: Paper bagSize: Width: 21.5-25CM (uneven)Length: 17-20cm (uneven)Weight: 15kg☆ Reading mode: Paragraph by paragraphLets Read and Find Out Science is a multi-award-winning series produced by world-renowned publisher Harper Collins and developed over several years by early childhood education professionals around the world. It is a set that combines language learning, life manners, aesthetic experience, geographic knowledge and is written from a childs perspective.Suitable for kids aged 5-11.◎ NotesDue to international transport, the book and box may have some scratches, dents, small scratches, stains, and crushing.#英語教材#外国語#おうち英語#バイリンガル#子供英語#英語育児#英語教育テキスト#幼児向け#2歳から7歳まで#子供英会話#英検#本 #BOOK #絵本 #英語 #幼児英語#児童英語#こども英語#知育#早期教育 #英語育児#バイリンガル育児 #洋書 #自宅学習 #英語スクール#子育て#海外駐在#oxford#grammar#英文法#英語構文
Lets Read and Find Out Science 118 picture books 1 and 2。Specifications: Paper bagSize: Width: 21.5-25CM (uneven)Length: 17-20cm (uneven)Weight: 15kg☆ Reading mode: Paragraph by paragraphLets Read and Find Out Science is a multi-award-winning series produced by world-renowned publisher Harper Collins and developed over several years by early childhood education professionals around the world. It is a set that combines language learning, life manners, aesthetic experience, geographic knowledge and is written from a childs perspective.Suitable for kids aged 5-11.◎ NotesDue to international transport, the book and box may have some scratches, dents, small scratches, stains, and crushing.#英語教材#外国語#おうち英語#バイリンガル#子供英語#英語育児#英語教育テキスト#幼児向け#2歳から7歳まで#子供英会話#英検#本 #BOOK #絵本 #英語 #幼児英語#児童英語#こども英語#知育#早期教育 #英語育児#バイリンガル育児 #洋書 #自宅学習 #英語スクール#子育て#海外駐在#oxford#grammar#英文法#英語構文
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